The Main Street Gallery is located in Lakeport and provides many opportunities for artists in the area. In addition to the Art Gallery displays, the Main Street Gallery has been used for meetings, classes, rehearsals, movie auditions, special performances and forums.
Professional Artist and Members showcase and sell their art, submitting their pieces to jury each month for themed shows. All showcased artists are invited to attend the First Friday Fling to meet and talk with the public about their works. Art sold at the gallery gives local artists additional income, with a commission fee to continue the operations of the gallery.

First Friday Fling

First Friday of the Month 5:30-7PM
One of our local favorites, this event shares Lake County’s love of wine with the arts. On the first Friday of every month the Main Street Gallery Hosts this event, spotlighting artists currently showing in the Main Street Gallery. This event also features a different local musician every month as well as a featured local winery. The event is free to attend and is enjoyed by many in our local community.
LCAC offers space for its members to provide art classes to the public. This increases our outreach to all art forms as well as increases financial opportunity for our artist. As with the commission for our artwork, LCAC asks a 20% commission for classes offered at the Gallery. In the last year over 1,300 individuals (both adults and children) have participated in art instruction at the Main Street Gallery.