Board of Directors
Barbara Clark
Executive Director
Dana Adams– Vice-President
Arts Notes Editor
Susan Krones – Secretary
Laura Sammel – Treasurer
Doug Volz
Gallery Coordinator
Michael Adams – President
Soper Reese Theater Chairperson
Linda Kelly – Communications Officer
Barbara Funke
Giftshop Coordinator
Shelby Posada
Lisa Kaplan
Open Seat
Cultural Bearer
Open Seat
Cultural Bearer
Open Seat
Cultural Bearer
Main Street Gallery
Meetings are traditionally the second Wednesdays of the month at the Main Street Gallery.
- Barbara Funke, Chairperson
- Linda Kelly, Communications
- Diana Liebe, Special Events
- Carol Dobusch, Art in Public Places
- Richard Schmidt, Member-at-large
- Shelby Posada, Member-at-Large
- Doug Volz, Gallery Exhibit Coordinator
Soper Reese Theater
Meeting times vary. Contact for more information.
- Michael Adams, Chairperson
- Jeremiah French, General Manager
- Jane Ruggles, Box Office
- Nancy Rhoades, Concessions
- Andrea Adams, Volunteer Manager
- Nina Marino, Fundraising Chair
Dance Festival Committee
- Blair Smith, Chairperson
- Kim Green, Kim’s Dance Factory
- Jeanette Marchais, Studio Ballet
- Michelle John Smith, Clear Lake Clikkers
- Antoinette Goetz: Lakeport Dance Center
Literary Arts Committee
Meetings will be the last Tuesday of the month at 5PM, starting November 29th. Contact for more information.